If you got the videos for your family to use with an older sibling or if you purchased the course alone and now want to add the grading service, this is for you!
Play Education Writing I Grading Service.
Our syllabus and videos support your students and you! Tutors provide helpful comments and valuable suggestions on your student’s First Revision.
The input from a neutral outsider helps your student see what areas need improvement—with much less arguing than before! Then, they issue a grade for the Final Draft.
In this option, parents grade the student’s completed worksheets for the “Skill Builders” that teach the technique for each lesson. The Answer Key in the Teacher’s Manual gives a few examples and often says, “Answers will vary.”
Moms who speak English as their first language can correct these independently. Many busy moms also prefer the tutoring service to handle this. If that’s you, choose the OTHER option: “Grading (Plus+).”